About Me

Though I am dedicated to curation, painting, and mixed media installation work, photography is my primary artistic medium. My film and digital photography often explores girlhood in absurd or theatrical ways, the duality between public and private, alter egos, and abandoned space. The photographic series featured in my portfolio share a simultaneously disorienting and familiar aesthetic–one that grapples with contestation between nostalgia and eeriness, welcoming and clairvoyance.

Art History 

My degree in art history and fine art from Oberlin college as well as my professional curatorial experience inform my artistic practice. With art historical perspective, I approach artistic creation with research, and situate my use of alternative materials in a larger global context. Moreover, art history challenges me to critically consider the way I utilize space to present and create my work. Leveraging my considerable curatorial experience, I approach each new artwork as a bold exploration of space in order to unravel familiar moments and unsettling themes of familial relationships or absurd encounters. 


I became deeply dedicated to photography at Oberlin College, in my first black and white photo darkroom course. Since that first class, I have experimented with alternative processes such as gum oil printing and cyanotype,hand developed and printed color film images, and assisted in teaching courses on fine art digital printing and digital negative creation. Currently, I am learning more about alternative digital photography techniques and capturing professional headshots for clients in New Mexico.   


My painting style is inspired by the technical precision necessary for darkroom photography and my background in art history. A mixture of realistic memories and imagined creatures, non-religious icons reappear in each painting, inviting the viewer into a deeply personal and visually enticing reality. I look forward to developing my style as the characters and icons present in my work develop stronger meaning in the context of each image. 

Using Format